Message from the Board of Directors


The goal of the Southern Chester County Emergency Medical Services-MEDIC 94 “Replace the Monitors Campaign” is to upgrade the critical cardiac equipment needed to help us save lives. Contributions from you and others like yourself, who may depend on MEDIC 94 paramedics carrying the right equipment to an emergency at your home or in the community, will help us reach this important goal.

The cardiac monitor defibrillators that we are replacing have helped our paramedics save lives for over 15 years. Medical technology has advanced greatly in the last 15 years, meaning it is now time to upgrade to a new, lighter, more effective, more efficient, state-of-the-art model. If you or a loved one has ever received care from MEDIC 94, our paramedics have used a cardiac monitor defibrillator as a part of your assessment and care. While our current cardiac monitors meet baseline criteria for operation, they have reached the end of their life span. We cannot afford to have them fail when we need them the most. 

In emergencies, proper equipment, speed, and even seconds are all factors critical to improving outcomes, especially during a heart-related crisis. The four new Philips Tempus Pro Cardiac Monitor Defibrillators we will be purchasing will meet all modern standards with improved technology and increased capabilities to allow us to better perform our life-saving duties. When it comes to investing in and replacing costly equipment, such as cardiac monitors, our existing operational revenue is not sufficient to support the purchase— we have to use other funding methods, in addition to our regular fund drive, such as this Capital Campaign.

We need the assistance of our entire community to reach our fundraising goal to purchase four new Philips Tempus Pro Monitors. The valuable life-saving care provided by MEDIC 94 paramedics 24-7-365 is something that all of our residents and business owners depend upon, so we need your help to continue to provide the best service possible.

Investing in this much-needed equipment for our paramedics who serve and protect the area where you live and work is critical. We ask you to support our organization with a one-time gift or as a financial commitment spread over four years. Your generous donation is important to the continued health and safety of the entire community.

For more information on the equipment, please visit the Philips website by clicking here. If you have any questions, would like a demonstration of the new equipment or if you just wish to talk about the campaign, please complete our contact form.

Thank you and be safe.

– SCCEMS / MEDIC 94 Board of Directors